Sacramental Life
The center of the church's sacramental life together is Sunday worship. Brought together by Jesus' promise that "when two or three are gathered in my name, I am with you," we recall God's love for us as embodied in the life of Jesus Christ. In our weekly acts of thanksgiving, we gather before the Lord's table and celebrate Holy Eucharist, known also as Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper. In fellowship with the gathered assembly, we present our gifts and offer our selves to the Lord to be consecrated for holy purposes, which is to advance the cause of God's providential love for all of creation.
Sacramental living is the expression of that love, which through God's grace is present within each human being. Beginning with our baptism, it is reaffirmed at our Confirmation and is renewed and strengthened in acts of worship and in caring for our neighbors and the earth God that has entrusted to us.