Discover the
Way of Love
Through Worship
Through the act of worship, we experience renewal, strength, and hope.The biblical wisdom given voice in the reading of ancient texts at our worship services reveals universal truths that inform our faith and guide us in our daily lives.
In our celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, our souls are fed and our lives are renewed at a table fellowship of love that draws us closer to God, to one another and to all of creation.
By Serving
In a culture that rewards self interest, taking on the role of a servant is one of the most countercultural things anyone can do. It is also one of the most life changing. Jesus himself set the example by prioritizing the well being of others above his own, especially when it came to the least and the left out in society.
To be a servant is to experience life from a different perspective: one of love; one that changes the way we see the world, our neighbors, and our own lives. Serving isn't just about what we do for others. It is how God uses our lives to transform the world, one heart at a time.
In Giving
Giving is an outward and visible sign of a life that has been touched by God's grace. To give is an expression of gratitude and it is out of gratitude that people support St. Mary of the Harbor financially, sharing their blessings to insure that others may be blessed.
Giving has less to do with an abundance of wealth than with an abundance of love. Ultimately, the latter determines what and how much one chooses to give. At the end of the day, the most faithful and generous thing any of us can do is to be extravagant with our love by committing our lives and our worldly goods to help our neighbors in need. It's as easy as clicking on the donate button below.
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